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  • .Artist Residency: Deepen the power of the drum with a residency with camps, retreats, conferences and more. These offerings can be day-long or multiple day workshops with drum groups, community farms, organizations, museums, community centers and more. 

  • #BlackPowerDrumMedicine (POC ONLY): learn traditional and contemporary drum rhythms, dance and songs from the African Diaspora. Come co-create practices to integrate principles of HARMONIC LIVING into your daily lives, activism and building community with folks of color. 

  • Drum-Talk-Story Performance: Afia Walking Tree inspires, educates and heals with her Drum-Talk-Story performances. Themes covered include African Diasporic Folklore, Collective Healing, and Survivor Lead Anti-Violence Social Justice. 

  • University/College Lectures: As a certified permaculturist and leading educator on African Diasporic Drum, Afia Walking Tree is available to serve as a guest lecturer and adjunct professor for universities and colleges with course offering covering ethno-musicology of the Drum, Permaculture practices and principles and more. 

  • Private Coaching: Focus on your healing and improving your skills with the drum with DrumLife Coaching sessions with Afia Walking Tree. These 60 min sessions are offered virtual and in-person, when available.

  • Drum Activation:  Release, grieve, find your voice, and ignight your power with a Drum Activation lead by Afia Walking Tree and Spirit Drumz. Infuse your convergence, social justice action, march,  ceremony,  more with the powerful offering

  • School-Based Programs: The DrumMobile offers school-based programming for elementary, middle and high school for permaculture, nutrition, and drumming.

Rachelle Galloway-Popotas

Haas Institute for

Fair and Inclusive Society 

"Thanks for your wonderful and very powerful contribution to the conference, it was instrumental to the outcome and built so much connective tissue among what could have felt like disparate pieces. The vibrancy and positivity - and just incredible talent - you brought to the conference was essential. "

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